Filmmakers & Animators
Application Form

This is the application form to become a contributor. Each application undergoes a thorough review by our team. If your expertise aligns with our requirements, we'll reach out. Thank you for your interest in joining our catalog.

Applicant's Details

The name you perform and release footage under. If this is your real name, please enter it here too.


Tell us about yourself in one sentence

For example: I am a professional wildlife photographer from New Zealand, or: I am an animator who draws cartoons and backgrounds

What describes you best?

Select from the dropdown or type your own profession.

What camera(s) do you work with?

Leave this box empty if you are an Animator and do not use cameras.

What kind of content can we expect you to provide?

Select from the dropdown or type your own options.

Footage Links

Add links to the footage you want us to review.

Kindly provide links for which you hold full ownership rights. Submit a link to the work you intend to upload to our catalog. This can be an edited sequence, or separate clips (no more than 4 clips). Ensure Drive folders are public or send streaming - we won't review submissions with restricted access. Don't send any download links such as WeTransfer.

Add your social channels
Application Notes

Use this text box for any extra information you want to provide.

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